Our Mission

First to educate or raise awareness of Keratoconus

Second to screen all of Rotorua’s Intermediate and high school kids

Third to develop a national school keratoconus screening protocol

Man Shouting on a Megaphone
initial Campaign

Raise awareness

Through sharing stories, educational blogs and using Informative downloadable PDF’s we aim to raise the profile of this disease. We need your help to share this with other parents in your school community.

School based educational activities such as talks at community gatherings. and aiming to get this into the educational curriculum in schools.

Join us now

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A Person Holding a Hanging Signage
Subscription Form (#4)
the Cone.org Way

We do it all for all our kids

Two People Forming Heart Hand Shape
House by Lake
Our Causes

Donate to save more kids sight

We run on your donations; this helps us create educational material.
We travel to schools including remote and home-schooled kids. No child gets left behind.